If you have been afflicted with a physical or psychological sickness or condition that keeps you from working and making a living, you may qualitfy for Social Security disability (SSD) or SSI programs created by the government specifically to help people in your situation.
Condtions and disorders covered by SSD and SSI benefits
Mental illness and psychological disorder related disabilities
Sense and speech related conditions
Respiratory and lung related disorders
Muscoskeletal related conditions
Cardiovascular and circulatory conditions
Digestive and gastrointestinal illnesses
Reprodutive system and urinary disorders
Multiple body system disorders
Blood disorders
Epidermal disorders
Endoncrine and hormonal conditions
Brain and nuerological system condtions
Immune system related conditions
Social Security Disability Laws in California & How They Apply To You
The above list of conditions are disorders the Social Security Administration considers “Total Disabilities”. If you can imperically show that you have been afflicted by one of these conditions as well as otherwise being eligible for SSD, you disability claim should be approved.
Our experienced staff of attorneys will make sure that everything possible is done and every option is explored so you get the disability benefits you are entitled to.
To get a free consult with one of social security disability california lawyers, contact us today.