If you are not legally inclined or physically healthy enough to attend the evaluations and hearings it can be very hard for you to follow up your case. If you are currently suffering from cancer the added stress of going through the procedures by yourself can be overwhelming.
Disability lawyers for social security’s role on legal procedures
There are steps that you should observe in the application process. Aside form the rulings of the SSA there is also the rules of procedure that you need to abide to just in case you have to file the petition for an appeal. Without legal knowledge and with the disability that you have, it can be hard to get through all the litigation.
Cases of cancer under SSA
Under the neoplastic conditions are sarcoma of skin, malignant melanoma, any type of sarcoma with metastasis like orbit, or temporal fossa, mandible and maxilla sarcoma. Sarcoma of soft parts, lymph nodes, salivary glands, breast, thyroid gland, skeletal system, brain or spinal cord, lungs, pleura or mediastinum, abdomen, esophagus or stomach.
Carcinoma or sarcoma of the small intestine, large intestine, liver or gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, adrenal glands, or ureters – carcinoma are correspondingly defined under the disability law. Urinary bladder-carcinoma, Prostate gland – carcinoma ,Testicles, Uterus, Ovaries, Leukemia, Uterine (fallopian) tubes–carcinoma or sarcoma, Penis-carcinoma, with metastases to regional lymph nodes, Vulva-carcinoma, with distant metastases are equally incorporated.
The importance of cancer diagnosis on Social Security Disability appeal
There are many aspects considered when diagnosing for the presence of cancer. The signs and symptoms as well as the results of the laboratory examinations are evaluated. It includes the lesions’ site and coverage, tumor’s histogenesis, noticeable adequacy, patient’s therapy response, and the scale of residuals after the therapy. In cases of operations it is indispensable to include the duplicate of operative notes as well as the gross and microscopic examination report of the specimen of the surgery.
Hospitalization history, physician’s report and particulars should be included. Diagnosis during the surgical operations as well as the pathologist’s report must be attached in the application. Most importantly, your incapacity to work for a minimum of one whole year by virtue of your cancer must be evident.